Tuesday 11 October 2011

My Sourdough Experiment

I love my sourdough starter. It's like taking care of a baby. You have to take care of it. I've had it for probably a month now and it's going well.

I use to set it on the stove so it thrived on the heat. It would make it bubble nicely. Until one day it was hard and scorched on the bottom. So I figure  it got cooked and I only set it on the oven for short periods when cooking in the stove. I really don't want to cook my baby. I had to start over. :(

With sourdough starter you have to feed it every day. Seeing as I bake with it almost everyday I usually just feed it what I used with my baking. If I don't use it then I feed it. I discard half a cup of it. I dump it down the drain because mine is runny. If you have a composter you could compost it. If it's thick you could discard it in the garbage. And I know your wasting it but if you don't discard it you'll end up with enough to stuff a pool with because it grows and expands. If I don't use it that day I feed it 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup flour.

When I use it or feed it I stir it well everyday.

I had my sourdough in a glass bowl covered with saran wrap. But the fruit flies in here seemed to love it. So I put it in a plastic bowl about a week ago with a lid and it seems to be doing OK. Everywhere I read does suggest a bowl with saran wrap but it wasn't working for me. I hope my baby is ok in that bowl with the lid.

You can also put it in the fridge and not feed it for a week. If you want to use it take it out before hand and feed it twice a day to bring it up to par.

It makes such delicious stuff I just had to share. I'll post recipes as I make them with pictures even. I found the camera but the battery is dead...

Sourdough Starter Recipe

2 cups of flour
2 cups of water
1 tsp yeast

Stir together well. Feed 1/2 c twice a day and wait 4-8 days for it to start to bubble. When it starts to bubble after 4 days it is ready to use. After awhile you will notice a liquid on top. This is called hooch. I just stir it back in. You can discard it if you want but I think it would be next to impossible to just discard the hooch.

Trust me it makes good things...so go make some starter now. And let me know if  you have any questions.

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